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 Catched my wife having sex with my neighbour!!

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Catched my wife having sex with my neighbour!! Empty
MessageSujet: Catched my wife having sex with my neighbour!!   Catched my wife having sex with my neighbour!! EmptyVen 17 Nov 2006 - 20:15

Huh...don't know what to say...i've had that feeling for about last 2 months, and deñided to put a cam in a bedroom. Shit, my hands are shaking...that dirty slut sucked my cock just twice a year, and look what she is doing with his cock:
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and she also gives in ass:
anal video - çäåñü äîð
and some other fucking scenes
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Well, should i catch them and kill them, or invite him and show them tape?
or just go to court?
fuck, donno what to do...need your advices....
p.s. Please excuse me and delete topic if i've posted in a wrong place. I'm a newbie
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Catched my wife having sex with my neighbour!!
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